Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Future against those with mammary glands ?

Friends, I hope you have seen the bbc/discover channel show - The future is wild. One thing I have noticed about this production other than being overtly imaginary, is the biased against mammals. Everything is alright till the first hundred million years, but after that the sudden disaster drives all mammals to extinction. All of the world is now under the firm grasp of fishes and lizards and all land is dominated by invertebrates. This idea seems far fetched to me.

Ofcourse the squids and octopuses are intelligent in taking on a the vertebrates but for them to colonize land would be to lose their identity altogether. The one thing we should never forget is the mammals are the most evolved creature in terms of their inner structure and outer, their hearts and brains are the most evolved, what I am saying is that this evolution is not because of some gof given purpose but rather, they will not die off so easily.

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