Saturday, October 6, 2012

The aquamarine aircraft carrier

Think of an aquatic civilization in a planet ninety percent water bodies. Their civilization around as advanced as ours. They live in medium depth, their cities on shallow ocean beds, much like our cities beside lakes and oceans, just as we need water, they need oxygen which is plenty in areas near to the sea level. Imagine them moving about the ocean in submarine like cars, their everyday vehicle. They have aircrafts to able to sloop out of the water like a sea gull and land in submarine airfields. Their best friends, dolphins and seals. A cruise across the desserts and plains are once in a lifetime experience.

The nations of marine land fight over what is today the last remaining landmasses. They have tanks , destroyers and cruisers, rolling through the deserts. Their aircraft land carriers are huge beasts on tracked wheels carrying a multitude of arsenal and aircrafts that fly from its deck full of water.

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