Thursday, November 15, 2012

Forging an iilegal country on the cursed holy lands

“When Israelis in the occupied territories now claim that they have to defend themselves, they are defending themselves in the sense that any military occupier has to defend itself against the population they are crushing... You can't defend yourself when you're militarily occupying someone else's land. That's not defense. Call it what you like, it's not defense.” -Noam Chomsky

There have been Palestinians for at least 2500 years. They were first mentioned by the Greek historian, Herodotus. Certainly they did not suddenly appear just before Herodotus visited.
What is also important from his writings is he mentions no people
who could conceivably be the Biblical Jews. He also lists peoples practicing circumcision. There is no one resembling Hebrews, Judeans, Israelites or anything remotely resembling the biblical Jews.

Results of a DNA study by geneticist Ariella Oppenheim appears to match historical accounts that Arab Israelis and Palestinians, together as the one same population, represent modern "descendants of a core population that lived in the area since prehistoric times", religiously first Christianized then largely Islamized, and all eventually culturally Arabized.

There is no single evidence from reliable sources that any Jewish civilization existed on Palestinian land. There is also no Archeological evidence! The only source Jews rely on is from religious scriptures. Israel has been desperately digging for the so called temple under Muslim mosque for over 40 years without finding one single trace! They were even caught trying to fake it:

Judaism is religion. The followers of Judaism can accept or leave Judaism. If any Jew converted to another religion he will no longer be a Jew! Does that mean he lost this "historical right" to the land? If any person from any origin converted to Judaism, does that mean he magically developed this "historical right" to Palestine? It should be noted that many Jewish tribes converted to Christianity and Islam! Could Palestinians reclaim their looted homes if they all made a mass conversion to Judaism?

Muslims and Arabs never expelled any Jew from Palestine and there never was any Jewish population transfer during the Islamic and Arabic rule of Palestine. Not even one single Arab or Muslim replaced any Jew! So if it is true that Palestinians invaded Palestine or "Israel", where were the Jews when that happened then?

Prior to the establishment of Israel, Muslims, Christians, and Jews referred to themselves as Palestinians and not Israelis. At that time no one claimed any exclusive right to Palestine.

Before Jewish immigration was financially encouraged by Jewish agency, Jews made 1.7% of population in Palestine. Non-Jewish percentage was 98.3 %

Many Jewish historians like Arthur Koestler in his book "The Thirteenth Tribe" traced the origin of majority of Jews today which turned out to be from Khazaria. They are new convert Jews who for political purpose chose Judaism:

An invention called 'the Jewish people:
A pomegranate long touted by scholars as the only relic from Solomon’s Temple is a forgery, the Israel Museum said Friday.

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