Friday, February 8, 2013

Ghaznavid Empire - Conquest of Zabulistan

The Ghaznavid Empire was expanding under Sebuktegin, when it met its first hurdle, at Zabulistan, home of the old gods of Archosia. Sebuktip Tegin sought to end this and introduce of the worship of the One God. He sent in Mahmud.

Mehmud: Zunbils, you must surrender your wealth and submit to the worship of the One God, or else we will burn your houses and destroy your god.

Zunbil Raja: We Zunhils have lived in Zabul for centuries, we are not going to submit to you, run back to your sponsors in Bagdadh.

Mehmud: Very well then, men, tak your positions, today we win anf they die!

Mahmud had divided his forces in various parts, the heavy cavalry in the north, the center of camel archers and crossbowmen and pikes, the skirmishers formed the first rank. Lastly to the south were several horse archers.

The Zunbils fielded as many men they could muster. The wealthy had hired men to protect them as they themselves ran to flee. What was left in the town was villagers who took to arms and some of the destitute who had no where to run.

It was apparent that they would lose but religious fervor kept them battle ready. Even without a general they had gathers around their sun god in the middle of the town to protect their city. This was the last stand for the god Zun.

The Ghaznavids in red came in numbers attacking the Zabulistani town from north and south. The Zanbul archers kept in the resistance although Mehmud’s heavy cavalry was doing their part. Both sides were rushing to crush the enemy.

Sebuktegin knew that help for Zabulistan came from beyond the Indus and Oxus. The Seljuk Sultanate were not friends and had tried to take over Khorashan several times. Bagdad had provided as large sum to drive them out.

Other helpers of the Zanbuls were the Kabul shahiya where Jayapala, the ruler of Kapisa sent in his archers of Gandhara. This was a signal for war and was not to be taken lightly. Ghaznavi state was still at its infancy.

Mehmud was inside the city now, burning and pillaging as much as he could. First the towers were to be destroyed and the villagers killed, supplies destroyed, then the pockets of resistance must be eliminated.

After the towers the god Zhun must be destroyed, this will ensure that the heathens never return to worship it, and then the wells closed, crops destroyed and the fields salted so that nothing grows on it anymore.

We Ghazavids have triumphed!

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