Sunday, June 30, 2013

Ghaznavids : Post campaign 3 : Mortals of Meluha : 1000 AD : Game of Thrones style

Thousand years ago, a hoard came in from the west.

Right at the doorsteps of the country.

Which was ailing from civil wars and internal strife.

Mehmud: I am glad to see that the invasion is going as planned.

Biruni, tell me if any arrangement is remaining.

Biruni: Sire, our rations are still short of grains and wheat to feed the men.

The boys will also need mutton, and we donot have enough lambs in the kingdom.

Rajak: Sire, the Raj Shahis would be happy to arrange for food provisions from Punjab.

We would only require the Kalash of Pamirs to stay off our land.

Mehmud: Very well, that can be arranged, I will dispatch ten thousand cavalrymen under Jehangir.

That should keep the tribals at bay.

Jehangir: Ok my sultan, I shall ride east into the Hindu Kush mountain ranges and defeat the tribals there.

Mehmud: Regarding the main invasion into India, I have chosen to involve our Indian allies.

Tilak shall lead the vanguard against the heathens  along with his Jatt sepoys.

I expect the remnants of the Shahis holding at Lahore to surrender soon.

Tilak: I shall raise a new army from the slaves we had taken.

With a chance to earn name, fame, glory and gold, even the strongest of the unbelivers will join us.

And I have got Sangram Singh with me to plot out a plan to change the minds of the natives.

Mehmud: Excellent! We now only have the menace of the Selyuks to worry about.

For that I have chosen Oghuz Khan to lead the hoard of the north.

Oghuz Khan: My Lord, I will command the army north, as you will it.

Jehangir: We marched day and night through themountain passes, but couldnot locate the Sun worshippers.

Instead we came in contact with the Lion worshipping village high in the plateau.

We laid waste to their lands and their village.

After defeating these Lion horshippers, we heard that to the north was a village of a Horse god cult.

By the name of the One, we invaded the next village high on top of a mountain.

The villagers had started fleeing when they heard our army was comming.

We had put several bodies on stakes so as to deter the villagers from leaving.

These people people were not a challenge at all and by the name of the One, we captured it in a few attacks.

They fled the field as all north of kush mountains surrendered to the Sultan.

Oghuz Khan: Sultan, our army reached the Darya rivers the same time the Selyuks broke their camp.

The two army had lined up on the battlefield, but both knew of concequences of loosing good men.

This was a stalemate! By the One, we could hold the Selyuks in their tracks, their only route was back home.

Tilak: After reaching the eastern bank of the Indus, our ranks swelled with recruits.

Although they are ill equipped, the promise of gold can change any man.

The harvest had failed this year and the fort of Lahore was filled with starving people.

After we took their walls, the Shahi army was morally defeated and conceeded defeat.

After a meeting with Anandapala, he agreed to give military access to our troops.

We would now lauch attacks to the rest of India using his kingdom as a base.

A forward army was sent to Kangra bypassing the other Indian cities, the natives were unprepared.

We killed off their merchants, very son the boy prince agreed to handover three carts of gold to us.

The frontier provinces were now ours and we were to recieve tributes from the Indus to Ganges.

Biruni: Sire, we now have captured the mountain ranges north and east of Kabul.

We can now freely pass through Punjab as agreed with the Shahi, the road to the East is open to us.

Mehmud: This is excellent news, we should at once prepare an army to invade the forested lands of India.

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