Monday, July 15, 2013

Significant Religions that are Extinct Now

Check out my post in Speaking tree:

Greek Religion
Beliefs and rituals practiced in ancient Greece in the form of both popular public religion and cult practices. These different groups varied enough for it to be possible to speak of Greek religions or "cults" in the plural, though most of them shared similarities. Also, the Greek religion extended out of Greece and out to other islands. Destroyed in AD 475 when Byzantine Emperor ordered the Temple of Zeus to be burnt in Olympia.

Near-east Religions
Neareast (Levant, Syria, Israel, Arabian Peninsula) Religions prior to Judaism have been completely obliterated.

The last surviving Pagan religion of Europe in Lithuania, destroyed by the Teutonic Order and Sword Brother in the Livonian Crusades 1387.

Religion of Mithras
Mithraism is a religion that grew parallel to Christianity and taught the path of salvation is through devotion. It was created from incorporating western ideas in Zoroastrianism and was popular in the Mediterranean, and also in Britain. Dissipated some time around the 5th cenury.

Manichaeism is the first prophetic religion created by the Prophet Mani (200 AD) based around abrahamic and zoroastrianism to go extinct. At its height there was manichaei temples with services in Syria, Egypt, Central Asia and also the Tarim basin. Limped on till around the 13th century, then no records are found.

Destruction of Champa
Before the 14th century Vietnam was populated by the Cham people (Polynesian ethnicity) ruling from their Capital Vijaya, who followed hinduism. The Cham were defeated by a new group of people called Dai Viet (Mongoloid/today Vietnamese) and driven to extinction after 15th century. Only a handful Cham remained who were converted by 1470.

Indo Greek Gandhara
The Gandhara culture and religion extended from Balk to Indus. Destroyed in 11th century after Ghaznavid and Turkic invasion. 200 AD Huns destroy Gandhara university at Taxila. 700 AD Saffarid dynasty take western Gandhara (Balk, Ghazni, Zabulistan) 900 AD Sebuktegin takes Kabul and Peshawar. 1010 AD Gandhara brought to its knees by Ghaznavides.

Mesoamerican religions
Mesoamerican religions died off in the following order. Aztec religion - August 13, 1521, Destroyed by Hernan Cortés after destruction of the great pyramid of Tenochtitlan. Mayan religion - 1526 by Conquistador Francisco de Montejo after he destroyed the Mayan capital of Chichen Itza. Mound building cultures of Missisipi - Hernando de Soto destroyed Mabila in 1540, small pox and other epidemics to which the natives had no resistance did the rest.

Arianism (not Aryanism) is the theological teaching attributed to Arius (ca. AD 250–336), a Christian presbyter in Alexandria, Egypt, concerning the relationship of God to the Son of God (Jesus of Nazareth). Arius asserted that the Son of God was a subordinate entity to God the Father. They were declared heretics by on 321 at the First Council of Nicaea and persecuted. But the religion bounced back when Visigoths and Vandals converted to Arianism and killed the Roman catholics. The Vandals in a desperate move, built ships and took the Roman province of North Africa and Carthage, then raided Rome itself! After a century of ruling Carthage, Justinian the Great started the great Vandalic wars (533–534). The famous Byzantine general Belisarius sailed to Africa and defeated the Vandals in pretty much the same way Scipio had done hundreds of years back. The last Arian christian king was captured to Constantinople where he surrendered and lived a life in low profile.

To be continued...
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